Kimberbell Bouquets: Fall Pull Flowers - 818514021417
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124 East Lyndale Helena, MT 59601
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(406) 443-5724
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Sat 10am-5pm • Sun 12-4pm

Kimberbell Bouquets: Fall Pull Flowers

Create a Kimberbell Bouquet in seconds! Simply pull the string, and the scalloped ribbon quickly blossoms into a beautiful flower! Once the trim is gathered and pulled tight, tie the threads from each end in a double knot. Then fluff and shape the petals and add to your Kimberbell projects with just a few whip stitches! Make your flower with just 18Â? of trim or use a full yard for even bigger blooms.
5 Flower Colors/Styles, 1 Yard Each
Makes 5-10 Flowers

Contact Us:

 (406) 443-5724
Address: 124 E. Lyndale Ave Helena, MT 59601
Hours: M-F 10-6, Sat 10-5, Sunday 12-4