124 East Lyndale Helena, MT 59601
Directions To Store
Click Here
(406) 443-5724
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Sat 10am-5pm • Sun 12-4pm
Directions To Store
Click Here
(406) 443-5724
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Sat 10am-5pm • Sun 12-4pm
Over-the-Edge Applique: Spring and Summer Celebration
It's a Spring and Summer Celebration! Delight in the year's warmest months with darling, over-the-edge designs for an apron, placemat, and tea towel. Beautiful Blooms are a wonderful way to welcome spring, while slices of applique melon are refreshing treats for your Sweet Summer. Dimensional elements include Crocheted Edge Trim, Vinyl, and Cute as a Button(s)!