Prop It Portable Design Wall for Quilters - 734425014204
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124 East Lyndale Helena, MT 59601
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(406) 443-5724
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Sat 10am-5pm • Sun 12-4pm

Prop It Portable Design Wall for Quilters

Perfect for quilt retreats, classes or small quilting spaces. PROP-IT Portable Quilt Block Pres-Sew Assembly Easel The patented sure-and-easy way to keep quilt-block pieces in place when cutting, sewing & ironing quilt blocks! Sized 18 x 18, the Easel is made of sturdy fiberboard to which is attached a woven, Super Grip fabric which can be removed for laundering. An equally sturdy fold-out easel-back keeps it standing at space-saving angle on the work table.

Contact Us:

 (406) 443-5724
Address: 124 E. Lyndale Ave Helena, MT 59601
Hours: M-F 10-6, Sat 10-5, Sunday 12-4