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Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Sat 10am-5pm • Sun 12-4pm
MODtana Coil - Rust
Inspiration is truly all around us. We can’t always wait for it to strike, we must be in a place willing to accept what is shown to us and work with it. Walks around the Archie Bray Foundation provide a lifetime of material to investigate. The grounds are filled with beautiful masterpieces of ceramic art that showcase ideas coming into fruition - almost complete. The grounds also feature construction materials, old factory parts and pieces, and many mounds of bricks. “Coil” represents the wild energy of a line wrapped and wound upon itself like wire, strips of metal flashing coiled and stored for later use.
Warm, vibrant and exciting. Coppers, reddish browns and oranges to capture new growth (i.e. fluorescent orange cones), rust-like browns from construction materials slowly deconstructing over time, and copper to represent shiny and new.