124 East Lyndale Helena, MT 59601
Directions To Store
Click Here
(406) 443-5724
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Sat 10am-5pm • Sun 12-4pm
Directions To Store
Click Here
(406) 443-5724
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Sat 10am-5pm • Sun 12-4pm
Traction Tape is every crafter’s best friend. When applied to the under-side of a ruler, it won’t slip, giving the user ultimate control. Superior adhesive provides long-lasting bond. Traction Tape is transparent, easy to apply by peel and stick and can be rinsed off or washed with soap and water when it collects lint. Great for quilting, scrapbooking, kid’s projects, school, office and wood-working. Available in a roll 1″ x 36″